I've added an RSS reader panel to MyOE. Now you can read your favourite feeds.
What we have now:
- Atom, Rss, almost any format
- Enclosure downloading
- Feed image support
- Synchonize all the feed in parallel
- Unread items counter appear in SwitchBar (like mail now).
What feature would you like?
I would find interesting to be able to categorize feeds item, just like one can have different mail categories.
thk, Julie
Source code so that I can add IMAP support! POP3 just isn't used in a corporate environment...
Source code *is* available, it's on the subversion repository, always up to date, with latest development in progress.
Have a look to: http://myoedev.blogspot.com/2006/08/subversion-repository.html#links
Anyway, if you really plan to implement IMAP, contact me by mail, I can probably help ;)
LOL. I was trying to checkout the code using http://myoe.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/myoe/trunk/
I'm looking for an email client to replace Thunderbird in 3 of our offices and 30 roaming users. I like the look of your program, it's perfect for our needs, and want to use a specialized version for internal use in our company.
I will need two things before this program can implemented.
1. IMAP instead of POP
2. CRAM_MD5 SMTP authentication. I could possibly change our systems to TLS, depends on how much time I have...
Anyways I noticed that you have IMAP partially written already. How much work do you have left to do, and where should I concentrate on helping you out? I can maintain two versions, your generic version and our specialized version. (long story, I can explain in an email...)
Drop me an email if you have a chance. 68kyote AT gmail.com
System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.CreateHandle(CreateParams cp)
Global.Main(String[] args)
under 98se, can't even open it,
in 2008, emClient now opens ... .
I don't even know what your application is, i'm blind .. .
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